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5 qualities of a good borrower


5 qualities of a good borrower

5 qualities of a good borrower

Have you ever wondered why some people get their loans approved and others don’t?

It all boils down to the qualities that endear lenders to them.

No lender wants to take a chance on someone they’re “unsure” of.

So, here are 5 qualities that’ll endear you to responsible and ethical lenders:


Good credit history is one quality lenders tend to look out for in a borrower. A good credit score, and a squeaky-clean reputation, go a long way in helping you secure that loan you want.

When a lender looks through your credit history and sees that you have built up a high credit score by being very meticulous about paying back your debts on time and have never defaulted on your loan, they will be less likely to deny the loan amount you are asking for. A good name is better than riches

Good money management skills

A good borrower should be self-aware of their financial standing and tailor their loans to expenses that are of the utmost importance. The ability to separate wants and needs is a skill that is highly underestimated among many today but is one that can make or break a borrower.

Good money management skill helps in maintaining a favourable standard of living even while in debt and also helps one clear them quickly without trouble.

Most of the time, bad money skills are why many shy away from loans. The misconception that loans are responsible for debts is completely false. Bad money management skills are the reasons why people fall into debt.


Another quality of a good borrower is to have a profile that screams “I can’t and won’t run away with your money.” If a lender cannot trust you with their smallest loan amount, how can they be expected to trust you with a significantly larger amount?

Building trust is not just about paying back your debts on time, it also involves communicating with your lender If there are any issues you may have with repayment.

Building trust with your lender also increases your chances of getting approved for a much larger loan.

Punctual repayment

This quality is a favourite of most lenders. It not only builds trust with your lender but also boosts your credit profile.

A good borrower should always endeavour to meet up with the scheduled repayment date and inform their lender if they will be unable to meet up, so that an alternative may be decided on. Ghosting your lender is not a good look. It screams yahoo-yahoo.

Good spending habits

As much as your lender has no say in how a borrower should spend their loan, having good spending habits is an attractive quality a borrower should have. A good money quality everyone should have is the ability to cut down unnecessary spending habits and create alternatives that help save money while also meeting one’s needs.

An individual in debt should not be using their loan to buy items they can do without. No Amara you don’t need another pair of pink shoes.

Even though good money habit is not the key to wealth — at least it’ll help you keep the wealth when you get there.

Thank you for coming to Irorun’s TEDtalk. Stay rich rockstar!

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