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What influences the interest rates for loans?


What influences the interest rates for loans?

What influences the interest rates for loans?

Have you ever wondered why interest rates may vary with each loan? And sometimes you immediately conclude “you’re being cheated.”

Well, that’s definitely not the case. No responsible lender is out to cheat you of your money. But certain factors could influence a lender’s decision on your interest rate.

Let’s jump right in

Type of loan

The type of loan you take out also affects your interest rate. Unsecured loans tend to have a higher interest rate than secured loans, this is because secured loans usually have collateral (usually a valuable item pledged to secure a loan) as a fallback in cases of the borrower being unable to pay their debt.

Tenor of loan

Tenor refers to the length of time until the loan is due. For example, when you take out a five-year loan, you have a five-year tenor. Once you’re three years into repaying the loan, you have a two-year tenor.

In general, the longer your loan term, the less your interest rate will be. Loans with shorter terms usually have higher interest rates than loans with longer terms. In addition, loans for asset finance usually have lower interest rates.

Operational expenses

Not all lenders are born equal. Some are manual and their cost per loan is high because of the human factor. This cost is passed to borrowers as fees and interest rates.

However, lenders with good tech and therefore a lower cost of operation usually charge a lower interest rate..

Credit history and credit score

At this point, we might sound like a broken record with the number of times we mention “credit history” and “credit score” but the truth of the matter is, they hold a lot of importance in the lending world.

Your creditworthiness and history with other lenders can determine if you deserve a high or low-interest rate. It’s almost like being a devoted customer in your favorite store, if you go there enough times they’ll start to give you little benefits like a discount.

With a clean credit history and a good credit score, you have the opportunity of getting lower interest rates which reduces the amount you’d have to pay back. Really, won’t you prefer to have a 5% interest rate on your loan than, say, a 7% interest rate?

Current employment history

Your current employment history also affects a lender’s decision on your interest rate. It’s generally believed that persons who have a noticeably stable job with high income seem more likely to repay loans as against someone who constantly changes jobs or has a low income and as such the former receives better interest rates.

If there’s a noticeable peak in your current employment status, your lender can determine how well you can handle a large loan with a high or low-interest rate, without default. Job stability is therefore essential if you wish to apply for a large loan.

Debt-to-income rate

You may have come across this phrase in your search for more information about lending. The debt-to-income ratio is a measure of debt settlement to income, that is, how much debt you have to pay against your monthly income. When salary come, how much you go use pay bills and wetin remain after?

It’s highly advisable to calculate and be certain of your debt-to-income ratio before deciding to take out a loan with any lender. Someone with a high debt settlement, greater than their income is most likely to be rejected for a loan or given a high-interest rate.

Economic inflation

A surge in economic inflation can have a rebound effect on the lender’s interest rate causing it to be higher than what it would normally be.

Economic inflation refers to the general exaggerated increase in the prices of goods and services. Remember that your lender is first a business owner and so loan interest rates could increase because they need to keep their business afloat as well.

Inflation affects a lot of services(of which lending is a part) in an economy, as such adjustments will be made accordingly, a lender isn’t going to remain stagnant while the economy is changing and causing a negative ripple effect in their business.

Now that we’ve shared these highly coveted secrets with you, send us a message at and let’s get you started on your first loan!

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